Our Vision

To ignite students and equip leaders to join in God's passion for the broken and the oppressed.

Our Mission

IJM Southeastern exists to glorify Jesus Christ by bringing light to the injustices in the world around us and by calling students to action.

International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local governments to ensure victim rescue, to prosecute perpetrators and to strengthen the community and civic factors that promote functioning public justice systems. IJM's justice professionals work in their communities in 12 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to secure tangible and sustainable protection of national laws through local court systems.

An IJM Campus Chapter is a group of students concerned about issues of injustice who desire to work together as advocates for the oppressed in a world of suffering. They partner with IJM in 3 ways:
1. Raising their voices on behalf of victims of injustice through prayer and advocacy.
2. Raising awareness on their campus and in their community of the reality of oppression in our world.
3. Raising support to enable IJM to rescue more victims of oppression.

Our Response

International Justice Mission’s first priority in its anti-trafficking casework is to secure the protection of the law for trafficked women and children forced into commercial sexual activity. IJM investigators spend hundreds of hours gathering and documenting undercover evidence of trafficking and sexual exploitation. Using this evidence, IJM staff members then work with local authorities to remove victims from forced prostitution and ensure that they have access to aftercare services to meet their vital needs. IJM lawyers work to secure the conviction and sentencing of traffickers and other perpetrators in an effort to deter future crimes. Sex trafficking will endure as long as it remains a profitable criminal enterprise. By freeing victims and prosecuting their perpetrators, IJM operations increase the risk and decrease the profitability of trafficking. IJM works to combat sex trafficking in India, Cambodia, Thailand and the Philippines. In the 10 years since the organization’s founding, IJM investigations have resulted in freedom for hundreds of girls and women held by force in the commercial sex trade.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Racism and the Presidential Election

Because this election is historic in that an African-American is the lead on a major ticket, it was only a matter of time before the specter of racism raised its ugly head. Many of you will have undoubtedly started receiving the “anti-Obama” hate e-mails. These e-mails make all kind of racist statements and usually misconstrue some of his writings into a pro-Islamic rant against America. These e-mails are part and parcel of the extreme right and reflect a certain approach to politics that is governed not by reason and ideas but by bigotry and closed mindedness.

The episode of racism that I want to address, however, belongs to another category all together. Recently, during the Republican National Convention, a certain policy group that is historically affiliated with James Dobson’s Family Research Council was selling an interesting item. The said item was called “Obama Waffles”, which is an obvious play on Obama’s perceived or actual changes in position on a particular issue. While this is not offensive in and among itself, the pictures on the box were clearly racist and offensive. (I invite you to check the cartoonish representations of Michelle and Barack Obama at www.obamawaffles.com).

Reaching back to “Aunt Jemima” and other racist icons, the developers of the “Obama Waffles” clearly were attempting to tap into a stream of bigotry that exists within conservative America. The truly damnable aspect of this whole fiasco is that a Christian organization was involved. Racism has no place within Christian convictions, and all those involved in the “Obama Waffles” campaign should withdraw immediately if they are authentic followers of Christ. Jesus died in order to provide forgiveness for a single family that is made up of every tribe, tongue and nation under heaven. He would not tolerate this type of action from his followers and neither should we.

However, this post should not be taken as a blanket support of the Obama campaign. There are many reasons not to vote for him. Here are just a few. First, his position on the sanctity of human life is out of line with the historic Christian position. He openly supports abortion and would obviously appoint judges that reflect his convictions. Second, his position on same sex marriage is also problematic. While he says that marriage is between a man and women, he rejects the defense of marriage act, which would ultimately be an outright support of gay marriage across the country.

This is not to say that he does not have positive aspects as well such as, care for the poor and restoring international integrity. His economic plan is more in line with biblical ideas of restorative justice, and his views on the environment are also in line with the basic outline of creation care. His plan for a green economic sector is especially promising. There are positive and negatives with Obama, just as there are with McCain, however any decision should be made on significant facts and not racism or bigotry.

What I am trying to say is that this election, as all others, should be decided by what the candidates believe about the issues. There is plenty of authentic information out there that Christians should use to help them make an informed decision in November. Obama’s race, however, should not be an issue, and I seriously question the Christian character of believers who are proceeding in this fashion. They are no better than the serial e-mailers who present Obama as closet Muslim who is hell bent on enforcing Sharia law. Last time I checked, that was far too conservative for him.

As a final post script to this post, I would like to note the following. This week Dr Dobson, on his radio show, apologized for the affiliation of his lobbying arm with the “Obama Waffles” incident. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he is not racist and that he would have been upset, if he had been present. However, the fact that a Christian organization can be so wrapped up in something like this proves that so called “Conservative” attitudes are not necessarily Christian attitudes.

Rev. Donnie McDaniel, M.Th (Edinburgh University)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Greed: The Forgotten Vice

NRS 1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother or sister who is sexually immoral or greedy, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber. Do not even eat with such a one.

In evangelical churches all across America, this verse is used (correctly I might add) as a basis for sermons that teach people to avoid, all forms of sexual immorality, drunkenness, idolatry, and even robbery. But ask yourself this question. When was the last time that Rev. Young Evangelical Preacher began to sweat and beat the pulpit in a calculated tirade against greed?

If you are in the average evangelical church, then the answer may be never. Greed is the forgotten vice. In fact, we have made the vice of greed into a virtue. Our entire economic system is built upon the idea that everyone must be dedicated to their own self-interest above all else.

Instead of preaching against this turn of events in our churches, we have baptized the economic system of capitalism, complete with its reversal of virtues, and now not only defend it with our lack of preaching and prophetic critique, but run our churches based upon it.

We cannot preach against the evil actions of various joint stock holding corporations because we may offend the well to do businessman in our church whose monetary giving is so important to the new building program. This travesty must be addressed. Greed is a sin. Not only is it a sin but Paul places it within his list of the most heinous sins. Christians correctly rally against every other of these sins in that list, but greed slips through the gaps.

A good example of greed being tied to other sins is found in the actions of several oil executives who have putting their record braking profits to good work. These men and women have been buying both drugs and sexual services. When the story broke, all they had to say was “Their actions did not hurt anyone directly” and “the consumer was not harmed in any way.” I pray that the church of God would rise up and preach the whole council of God, even the uncomfortable subject of greed.

Greed hurts people and that is the bottom line. When the pursuit of profit becomes not only the sole issue for individuals, but the foundation for the whole world, then the entire world, including the image bearing creature, will be subject to marketing strategies that will lead to further exploitation. Do you think Paul would fail to teach on the vice of greed or that he would welcome its transformation into a virtue?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sex Sales

As I stated in the September meeting, one of the main goals I hope to accomplish this year is to sustain a vision of God’s restorative justice that the members of IJM SEBTS can easily grasp and follow. One of the tools that we will employ towards this goal will be weekly posts on our blog.

The International Justice Mission is an organization that is dedicated to addressing abuses of power that occur around the world. The main areas of focus are unprosecuted rape, illegal land seizure, sex trafficking, female genital mutilation (clitoral circumcision), bonded slavery, sexual slavery, and others. The focus of IJM is in the international sphere where these injustices occur quite often.

A theme emerges when we look at the areas of concern for IJM; sexual injustice is at the heart what we do internationally. For this post, however, we will focus on our own domestic shortcomings in regards to sexual injustice. Whereas many of the injustices that occur internationally, may be rare events in the United States, we still live in a sex driven society. A recent issue of Prism Magazine from Evangelicals for Social Action took on America’s porno addiction head on.

The Prism articles investigated the problem from various angles and demonstrated how our culture has been invaded by images that are pornographic. The articles included pictures from current magazines, and only one could be described as blatantly sexual (Marissa Miller in Sports Illustrated). All of the others occurred in advertisements from Ladies magazines. One advertisement from high-end brand Dolce and Gibranna had a woman engaged in group sex. Another sales device had a bottle of cologne pressed between two bare breasts, with the obvious connotation that the purchase of this cologne would lead to sexual fulfillment. The story goes on and on.

This is America’s sexual sin. We may not be engaging in sex traffic or bonded slavery but we have taken the image-bearing creature and commoditized it in pursuit of corporate and individual profit. We may think that the sexual sins of others are somehow worse than ours, but we need to take a closer look at what we are doing and promoting. Young models, mostly female, are told that their sexuality must become a commodity if they hope to be successful. Corporations employ this advertising because it works. But it is not a zero sum game, demand not only engenders supply, but supply helps generate the demand. We are a part of the problem instead of being part of the solution.

What should we do in response to this problem? Recently, a group of people in Raleigh actively protested Abercrombie and Fitch because of a picture of young man with his pants undone down to his shaved pubic region and this is a good place to start. We should also do our best not to fall into the advertising trap. Do we buy Axe spay because it smells good, or because of its successful sexual marketing? We have to resist the temptation to go along with the rest of society. Therefore, we can protest and resist. Resistance will hit them where it hurts, in the profit margin, and that is where we should focus. As for the picture at Abercrombie and Fitch, it is still up, but we know that the protestors did not work in vain.

This has just been a short walk through America’s sexual sin and we must keep it in mind as we are focusing on the problems of the rest of the world. I welcome your response and your own thoughts.

Rev. Donnie McDaniel, M.Th
President of SEBTS IJM